Protect Your Life

Not only a strength and fitness expert, but also highly trained in mixed martial arts including:
Aiki Jujutsu- 4th Degree Black Belt
Aikido- 3rd Degree Black Belt
Shotokan Karate- 2nd Degree Black Belt
Judo- 2nd Degree Brown Belt
Also experienced in Brazilian jujitsu and ground fighting tactics, his mentors include FBI instructors on the tactics of awareness, avoidance and self defense for both citizens and law enforcement.
Richie’s 10 Week Tactical Self Defense Class is an aggressive REAL world training exercise to prepare you against attacks.
You never think it will happen to you…
It’s a passing thought or no thought at all that your daily errands could end in tragedy. Day or night, you could be walking to your parked car in the mall parking lot and be grabbed from behind and dragged into your car or your abductor’s car.
“But I live in a safe community.”
No, you don’t. You live in a safer community than others. It only takes being in the wrong place at the wrong time just once. Rockland County alone has 145 registered sex offenders with 27 listed as high risk level 3. The sad fact is that we don’t live in a non-violent Utopia.
My wife was a victim. To make matters worse, she was a victim to someone she knew well and trusted. This is also something that I discuss in detail over the next 10 weeks. In the times we live in, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
What would you do if?
You are heading to work early in the morning and you are grabbed from behind in a bear hug while getting into your car?
You and your girlfriends meet up for drinks in Nyack and you all go your separate ways to your car. A big guy comes out from an alley and grabs you by the wrist? (no one is around and sees you)
You go for your daily walk or run at the park and on a quiet section of the path a guy jumps out and grabs your hair?
You’re on a date and the guy gets far too aggressive?
Why your natural untrained instincts will kill you.
I get a lot of answers to the questions above. Such as…
“I would scream as loud as I could and punch him out.”, “I’m tough, I can handle myself.”, “I’d go for his eyes and his balls.”
First off, screaming might not even be an option, secondly, you’re never going to be as tough as a seasoned rapist and/or killer. Third, what happens if you don’t have an opportunity to go for his eyes and nuts?
Chances are, you may freeze and panic. 99% chance you definitely will panic and that’s natural and instinctive. That’s also the problem. An attacker can squeeze the life out of you in about 20 seconds. You HAVE to have trained instincts and know exactly how to immobilize him within that time.
I do NOT dress up like the Michelin Man. I do NOT instruct you to shout “NO”. If you think that works, I’m afraid you’ve never run into a determined and very smart serial rapist. Unlike most video “tutorials” you see on self defense, your window of opportunity is not going to be wasted by negotiating with the attacker. An attack happens fast, and you need to ACT fast.
Your reaction needs to be simple and effective to break the grasp and strike… that’s IT. I’m not going to try to teach you complicated maneuvers I’ve learned from all my years of martial arts and ground fighting. I see video self defense techniques all the time that first off won’t work in a real life aggressive attack. You don’t have the experience or skill and I’m going to demonstrate exactly why the most popular techniques will fail.
I can’t stress enough the importance of learning what I can teach you. Your life and the life of your friend, daughter, family member is worth 10 weeks, and is certainly worth the less than $10 per class.
Below is the outline for the 10 week Tactical Self Defense Course. I hope to see you there!

Based on extensive interviews with serial rapists and killers, this first training session begins with an extensive seminar on how you should change your behaviors to significantly reduce or even eliminate your chances of being a victim.
Just a few main points of discussion: (MOST IMPORTANT CLASS OF ALL 10!)
- How your everyday distractions can cost you your life.
- How your hair and clothing style increases your chances of attack. (It’s not what you think.)
- How trust can kill you and a sobering story about his wife’s attack.
- How you must lose your everyday routine.
- When and how to use your vehicle’s panic button during a potential attack.
Actual Self Defense Tactics Intro:
- You will be shown how current self defense courses can and will get you killed.
- Several currently wide held beliefs on popular self defense techniques will be demonstrated and how they do NOT work.
- Beginning practice of self defense scenarios.

The remaining 9 weeks will begin with a Q&A on class 1’s awareness and avoidance. The priority of Richie is to prevent you from placing yourself as a prime target of an attacker. Your choices you make each and every day increase or decrease your chances of being a victim.
You will train extensively on striking techniques and the most effective means of breaking free and immobilizing your attacker. Every possible scenario will be practiced with the goal of decreasing your panic reaction and developing an instinctive reaction without hesitation.

CLASSES 8 – 10: