TRIPLE the difficulty when you’re talking about Holiday Season. Grandma’s Apple pie and sausage stuffing. Mom’s famous cheesy biscuits and gravy. The cookies and snacks really do dance like sugarplums in your head.

Meet My Client Greg
He Achieved His Dream and Stayed On Track During The 2016 Feasting Season

Controlling Your Nutrition Now Will Save You A LOT of Work For Your New Year’s Resolution
On average, I train over 30 clients a week. That’s my limit and that’s why so many of them remain with me for years and train 3 to 5 days per week with me. If they give up their slot, they may not give it back. One major reason is that 28 of those 30 clients will maintain and even continue to lose the fat they set out to lose during the rough holiday seasons throughout the year.
See my client Greg? His family thought he was crazy for achieving his bucket list goal of competing in a bodybuilding show. First, it was Thanksgiving and Christmas, second, he has bad genetics and his age was not in his favor. (I think he’s a kid at 40 but it does get tougher when you’re no longer in your 20’s and 30’s, it’s a whole other level of dedication).
Listen, you do not need to diet and train like Greg, he’s merely an example of what can be done with the right custom Nutrition Plan. If you are looking to maintain or even lose some fat during this season, then I will make it much easier for you.
In fact, other trainers recommend their clients to me for the right diets, especially in cases of extreme transformations. I want to get you and keep you on the right track for the rest of the year and I only offer this special twice a year!
What Happens Next?
- Purchase Your Customized Meal Plan Below
- Expect an Email Questionnaire Regarding Your Current Stats, Goals and Allergies.
- Allow 48 Hours For a Return Custom Meal Plan
Please remember, this is NOT a cookie cutter program. Richie takes each email individually and designs a separate program around where you currently stand vs. your goal.
We appreciate your time and look forward to a great 2017 Holiday Season.
Nutrition Plan 2017
Nutritional Plans & Menu Options:
- Vegetarian & Vegan, Pre-Diabetic, Gluten Free Available
- Shopping Lists
- Nutrient Breakdowns
- Contest Dieting
- Fat Loss & Muscle Gains / Goal Focused Plans
Initial Nutrition Plan:
$250 SPECIAL DISCOUNT $99 (NEW Customers Only)